Visit the newest INPEX Sustainability Report


Sustainability Report 2022 (for FY2021)

Sustainability Report 2022 (for FY2021)

Energy Development Value Chain

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part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

Exploration and Appraisal

Key stakeholders

  • Oil and Gas Producing Countries
  • Project Partners
  • Contractors
  • Local Communities, Indigenous Peoples
  • NGOs/NPOs
  • Employees

Key sustainability activities

  • Environmental and social impact assessment, and acquisition of environmental approval
  • Managing safety and considering potential impacts for the environment and society in the exploration phase
  • Communicating with stakeholders in local communities
  • Conducting studies for GHG emission reduction through CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage)
  • R&D for commercialization of hydrogen and methanation business

Preparation for Development/Development

Key stakeholders

  • Oil and Gas Producing Countries
  • Project Partners
  • Contractors
  • Local Communities, Indigenous Peoples
  • NGOs/NPOs
  • Employees

Key sustainability activities

  • Ongoing environmental and social impact assessment, monitoring activities
  • Managing safety and considering potential impacts for the environment and society in the development phase
  • Fair and impartial procurement of materials and equipment
  • Local employment
  • Respect for human rights
  • GHG emission reduction through CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage)


Key stakeholders

  • Oil and Gas Producing Countries
  • Project Partners
  • Contractors
  • Local Communities, Indigenous Peoples
  • NGOs/NPOs
  • Employees

Key sustainability activities

  • Managing safety and considering potential impacts for the environment and society in the production phase
  • Managing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
  • Managing occupational health and safety for all employees and contractors
  • Respect for human rights

Transport and Sales

Key stakeholders

  • Contractors
  • Local Communities
  • NGOs/NPOs
  • Customers
  • Employees

Key sustainability activities

  • Stable and efficient supply of energy
  • Product quality and safety management
  • Managing safety and considering potential impacts for the environment and society in the transport phase
  • Dialogue with customers and consumers
  • GHG emission management process