Management of Health and Safety
Our Policy
The overarching goal of our health and safety management is to ensure that all employees at our worksites return home each day, free from injury and illness. We recognize that our employees’ physical and mental wellbeing is the foundation of the Company. Accordingly, we strive to provide them with a safe work environment and carry out initiatives aimed at keeping them in good health. We regard the safety of employees and contractors involved in our projects as our most important concern and manage occupational health and safety risks through our HSEMS.
In the course of our operations, it is a given that we must never allow the occurrence of major accidents such as fatalities, major leaks, or serious injuries. For this reason, we aim to achieve zero major accidents as one of our management goals and have subsequently set common safety goals for all our employees.
As a way of quantitatively measuring our safety performance, we monitor two key performance indicators (KPIs) of injury-causing accidents: the lost time injury rate (LTIR)1 and the total recordable injury rate (TRIR)2 Our LTIR and TRIR for FY2022 were 0.27 and 2.53 respectively, both of which had decreased from the preceding year.
As efforts for incident prevention, we continue to distribute incident bulletins promptly across our organization, thoroughly distribute LFI materials, and analyze and share insights on trends in major accidents and injurious incidents.
We also monitor two leading safety KPIs related to incident management— (1) implementation of incident investigations; and (2) implementation of high-priority corrective actions—to strengthen our ability to conduct prompt incident investigations and take remedial actions.
Further activities to prevent major accidents include firmly embedding Life-saving Rules to ensure the safe performance of tasks that carry a high risk of fatality.
1 Lost time injury rate (LTIR): Rate of injuries resulting in fatalities or lost time per million hours worked
2 Total recordable injury rate (TRIR): Rate of injuries resulting in fatalities or lost time, not entailing lost work time, or requiring medical treatment per million hours worked
Life-saving Rules
Life-saving Rules are rules intended to protect the lives of those engaged in high-risk work activities that may cause fatalities. They prescribe behaviors that should be practiced to prevent such incidents.
We promote compliance with these rules and strive to raise HSE awareness at work sites using posters and other media containing a strong message from senior management about these rules.
Such messages encourage proactive intervention by clearly stating that all our employees and contractors are required to stop operations and make improvements if they ever see work rules being violated. Employees and contractors who do so will not be penalized in any way.
Through these activities, we will continue to foster a culture of safety and help prevent workplace incidents across the Group.

Employee Health Management
We stepped up our efforts in FY2022 to strengthen employee mental health management as part of our ongoing response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
In accordance with the INPEX Group Health Statement and to promote the physical and mental well-being of our employees, we have conducted preventive and awareness measures—such as expert-led workshops and mindfulness activities—at all Group offices.
We also conduct periodic mental health checks to qualitatively and quantitatively monitor the health of our employees and implement effective measures. Based on the results, we promote improvement measures across our business sites and provide support to individual employees.
In FY2023, in addition to our mental health management activities, we will work to address fatigue to further strengthen the foundation of employee health management. We will assess the status of our ongoing health management activities and make improvements based on our findings. Through these activities, we aim to accelerate our risk-based comprehensive health management approach.
COVID-19 Response
Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we have worked hard to continue to deliver stable energy supply by taking actions to ensure the stability of our operations. This has meant implementing diverse COVID-19 control measures that give top priority to the health and safety of employees at our oil and gas production sites across the globe.
Launched in April 2020, the Corporate Crisis Management Team (C-CMT) has been continuously tracking the infection control situation at our sites around the world, sharing related information—such as information on infected persons including contractors, infection prevention measures, and other issues—in a centralized and timely manner.
Key efforts made in FY2022 include the following:
- Carrying out infection forecasts and prevention measures, based on COVID-19 information from the World Health Organization (WHO), information on other countries, and government announcements concerning new coronavirus infections
- Performing pre-trip risk reviews before sending employees on overseas business trips and thorough prevention and infection control management based on these reviews
- Implementing measures to prevent infection clusters within individual projects/sites, such as by conducting PCR testing or antibody testing before site entry
- Promoting work from home arrangements and staggered commute times when infection numbers are high
- Conducting workplace vaccinations