Process Safety Management
Our Policy
Process Safety Management (PSM) is the framework of systems and processes for the robust design, engineering, operating and maintenance practices needed to prevent the leakage of flammable liquids or other hazardous substances, or the occurrence of MAEs, such as fires and explosions that may occur from such leakages.
By thoroughly managing process safety, we will endeavor to prevent leakages from the processes of our facilities.
Comprehensive Process Safety Management
As shown in the figure below, INPEX Process Safety Management consists of four focus areas and 20 elements. Each element has a detailed set of expectations to which operator projects must adhere. Within the PSM framework, we have voluntarily adopted a Safety Case regime at INPEX-operated assets, which documents our implementation of sufficient measures to prevent process leakage-related MAEs through systematic identification and assessment of risks, and for minimizing the impact of MAEs that do occur. We also conduct Asset Integrity/Process Safety (AIPS) assurance reviews for all operator projects to ensure risks are maintained to ALARP levels.
Process Safety Management Framework
Process Safety KPIs
We collect and report Tier 1 and Tier 2 Process Safety Events (PSEs)8 in line with IOGP requirements. In FY2021, there were seven Tier 2 PSEs but none for Tier 1. We also set and monitor Tier 3 and 4 leading indicators for operator projects to help further prevent process leakages. It is our goal to improve the reliability of operations by collecting and analyzing data on process safety KPIs, drawing lessons from past leakages to prevent recurrences, pinpointing trends in incident-causing factors, and—as a leading indicator—monitoring the implementation rate of actions that help to prevent leakages. At the same time, we share information on our process safety performance with stakeholders to avoid complacency and raise awareness of the importance of MAE prevention.
8 Process Safety KPIs: Tier 1 and 2 Process Safety Events are unexpected releases or leakages of any material, including flammable liquids. In line with IOGP reporting requirements, we classify such events as Tier 1 or Tier 2 depending on the degree of consequence (personal harm, direct cost to the company, type and quantity of material released, etc). We have also adopted Tier 3 and 4 classifications as leading indicators, referring to internationally accepted guidelines.
Asset Integrity Assurance
Asset Integrity/Process Safety (AIPS) assurance review is a systematic series of reviews conducted by an independent team at appropriate points during each phase of a project. Specifically, this process assesses the actions implemented at a site to fulfill the expectations embodied in the 20 elements of Process Safety Management. Benefits that can be expected from an AIPS assurance review include:
- providing assurance to management and stakeholders that asset value (equipment) is being adequately protected;
- confirming our AIPS management requirements are being addressed; and
- sharing good AIPS practices and lessons learned from project to project.
In addition, we conduct other reviews at each phase of the project, including reviews ahead of facility launch and operational readiness assessments. By tracking progress in the implementation of recommendations generated from these various reviews and providing feedback on areas for improvement, we endeavor to enhance the integrity of our assets.