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Sustainability Report 2022 (for FY2021)

Sustainability Report 2022 (for FY2021)

HSE Objectives and Plans

Launch of the Corporate HSE 3rd Phase Mid-term Plan (FY2016-2020)

Enhance the Corporate HSE Management System

Mid-term Objective

We will improve our HSE Management System (hereinafter called "HSEMS") to be more efficient and consistent by way of introducing the guideline (OMS510) newly developed by IOGP1, and by utilizing the improved HSEMS in managing HSE activities undertaken at the INPEX Group, including non-operated projects and domestic subsidiaries.

FY2020 Corporate HSE Objectives

We will promote revision of the Corporate HSE Standards and enhance the HSE management of HQ Organizations including Non-operated projects. We will develop the Corporate HSE next Phase Mid-Term Plan.

Items to Accomplish


Evaluation and Way Forward

Develop and revise Corporate HSE Standards

Developed 1 Standard and revised 5 Standards.

Develop Corporate HSE next Phase Mid-Term Plan

Developed the Revised HSE 3rd Phase Mid-term Plan

Promote HSE Management of Non-operated projects
- Conduct HSE Engagement Level assessment and develop HSE Engagement Plan
- Collect and analyze HSE KPI's of non-operated projects with the HSE engagement level more than "Monitor"

Completed the HSE engagement level evaluation and HSE engagement plan development of 5 Projects Divisions. Collected KPI data (LTIF/ TRIR) from 23 projects.

Enhance HSE Training
- Develop HSE Training Matrix
- Revise Corporate HSE Standard - Competence and Training

HSE Training Matrix was developed. Training/education programs will be provided based on the Matrix from the next year. CHSE Standard - HSE Competency and Training will be revised in the next year.


International Association of Oil and Gas Producers

Enhance HSE Assurance and Governance

Mid-term Objective

We will conduct HSE audits and reviews systematically and progressively with companywide cooperation. We will enhance companywide HSE assurance and governance by utilizing the results from such audits and reviews.

FY2020 Corporate HSE Objectives

We will enhance the effectiveness and consistency of HSEMS by continuous implementation of the HSE review and risk management-based audit.

Items to Accomplish


Evaluation and Way Forward

Conduct Corporate HSE Audit
- Develop the 2020 Corporate HSE audit program and implement it at the following organizations:
 - Masela (Abadi LNG Project)
 - INPEX Eagle Ford (IEF)
 - JODCO Exploration Limited (JEL)

Completed the Corporate HSE Audit for JEL and Masela as a remote audit. The Audit for IEF will be held in the next year as it was determined to be conducted at their sites.

Conduct IVAS1 reviews for both Operator and Non-Operator Projects

Conducted the IVAS review responding to 5 of 5 requests from Operator projects and 1 of 1 request from non-operated projects.


INPEX Value Assurance System

Pursue HSE Technical Support

Mid-term Objective

We will enhance HSE technical supports by appropriately utilizing companywide HSE resources.

FY2020 Corporate HSE Objectives

We will strengthen the HSE technical support required for Operator projects, HQ Organizations and Non-operated projects.

Items to Accomplish


Evaluation and Way Forward

Provide HSE technical support
- JODCO Exploration Limited (Block 4 Project)
- INPEX Eagle Ford (Tight oil project)
- INKZ (East Siberia - INK Project)
- other projects as requested

Provided 11 HSE technical support.

Strengthen HSE Management at Worksites

Mid-term Objective

Recognizing HSE management on a site basis is extremely important, we will create a structure in which every individual employee on site is able to participate in HSE activities and incorporate his/her own experiences and ideas into the structure.

FY2020 Corporate HSE Objectives

We will conduct HSE Management Site Visit by the site representative in addition to that conducted by the management to ensure the implementation of preventive measures and deepen mutual understanding through communication with on-site personnel.

Items to Accomplish


Evaluation and Way Forward

Enhance HSE Leadership Awareness
- Conduct HSE Management Site Visit

Because of travel restrictions due to the continued COVID-19 pandemic, none of HSE management Site Visit was conducted in this year.

Conduct Safety Culture survey

The Safety Culture survey started since November.

Hold the HSE Forum
- Health & Safety Forum
- Environmental Forum

Held the Health & Safety forum and Environmental forum respectively.

Thoroughly manage Major Accident Event via the Risk Management Process

Mid-term Objective

We will thoroughly manage Major Accident Event (hereinafter called "MAE") prevention through entrenching the Safety Case approach, as well as process safety management and various activities to maintain integrity of facilities and equipment.

FY2020 Corporate HSE Objectives

We will thoroughly manage MAE prevention through carrying out thorough comprehensive HSE Risk Management Activities, implementation of Operation Safety Case(s), Asset Integrity Process Safety (AIPS) Assurance Reviews to maintain integrity of facilities and promote Tier 3 and Tier 4 Process Safety Leading Indicators.

Items to Accomplish


Evaluation and Way Forward

Enhance HSE Risk Management process
- Continuously manage and share MAEs (Major Accident Events) and the Top 10 HSE risks, and verify that their risk levels are subjected to ALARP1

  • Completed all the quarterly risk information collection and reporting to the Management Committee. Held workshops with Operational Organizations before/after the collection and reporting.
  • Developed the annual report about the Process Safety leading KPIs implementation. Held workshops with Operational Organizations about introduction/ improvement of leading KPIs based on their project phase. Analyzed the Tier1&2 Process Safety Events occurred in 2019.

Develop Safety Cases
- Koshijihara Plant
- Offshore San-in A Drilling Rig
- Block 4 Drilling Rig

Supported development of Safety Cases inclusive of the related studies and supported the HSEIA review; for Domestic E&P Division (DOM), Domestic Energy Supply & Marketing Division (DSM) and JODCO Exploration Ltd. (JEL) respectively. Provided a training about the Safety Case overview and explained the roles of Safety Case.

Conduct AIPSAR (Asset Integrity / Process Safety Assurance Reviews)
- Domestic E&P Division (DOM)
- Domestic Energy Supply & Marketing Division (DSM)
- Ichthys LNG Project

Conducted AIPSAR for Domestic E&P Division (DOM) and Domestic Energy Supply & Marketing Division (DSM) as a remote audit. As for Ichthys, it was conducted internally last year and we will receive and review the report upon its approval.


as low as reasonably practicable

Reduce the Number of Incidents

Mid-term Objective

We will introduce HSE leading KPIs companywide, continue to monitor and evaluate them, thereby positioning ourselves in the top 25th percentile of IOGP member companies.

FY2020 Corporate HSE Objectives

We will make every effort to achieve LTIF1 and TRIR2 of less than 0.12 and 0.70 that fall within the upper 25% of the IOGP participating companies. We will introduce leading KPI's company-wide in order to prevent reoccurrence of incidents.

Items to Accomplish


Evaluation and Way Forward

Promote awareness and implementation of IOGP Life Saving Rules (LSR)

Distributed LSR pocket cards and posters to Operational Organizations. Confirmed LSR promotion activities taken at each Operational Organizations. Completed development of LSR e-learning material.

Effectively utilize new event reporting system

Conducted user trainings for the new event reporting system (Myosh) and continue providing operating support to Operational Organizations. We customize Myosh to align with the CHSE Std of event reporting & investigation and the changes are shared with persons in charge of Operational Organizations in periodical meetings.

Promote implementation of revised Contractor HSE Management Standard

Prepared a revised draft of the Contractor HSE Management Std and finished the external review but its finalization has been carried over to 2021.

Conduct Manual Handling Incident Prevention Campaign

Conducted the Manual Handling Campaign.

Share lessons learned from incidents
- Speed up of sharing HSE Flash Report and ensure to implement lessons learned from incidents
- Analyse injury events and major events and prepare analysis reports

Issued 24 of HSE Flash and 23 of LFI in 2020 resulting 100% issuance. Issued the Major Event Report and Injury Analysis Report both already.

Introduce leading indicator
- HIPO events investigations submitted as per CHSE Standard
- HIPO events investigations: priority actions (corrective actions) closed as per agreed deadline

Introduced the investigation of HIPO event and closure of corrective actions as safety leading indicators on a trial basis and reported the progress at Corporate HSE Committee. 17 investigations were conducted out of 19 HIPO events resulting 89% completion before duedate. Observed 20 actions classified as critical/high and 100% of those actions were closed or will be closed before duedate.


Lost Time Injury Frequency


Total Recordable Injury Rate

Reinforce Emergency and Crisis Response Capabilities

Mid-term Objective

We will embed the Incident Command System companywide for responding to emergency and crisis situations promptly and adequately as we acquire the ability to deal with all major threats.

FY2020 Corporate HSE Objectives

We will conduct comprehensive exercises involving the Corporate Crisis Management Team (C-CMT) assuming a major earthquake in Tokyo metropolitan area as well as MAEs at the Abu Dhabi Block 4 Project and one of our domestic sites. We will also hold functional exercises tailored for each section of the C-CMT. We will introduce completion rate of planned exercises of applicable Organizations as leading indicator.

Items to Accomplish


Evaluation and Way Forward

Conduct Corporate Level 3 Crisis Response Exercise
- Major accident event at one of our DSM site
- Major earthquake in Tokyo metropolitan area

Conduct Functional/Phased exercise
- Conduct functional exercises

Conducted 2 crisis response exercises and 7 functional exercises.

Introduce leading indicator
- Collect numbers of planned exercise and completed exercise from each Organization

Started collecting the number of planned exercises and the actual result from Operational Organizations through Monthly Report since October 2020.

Support to review Emergency Response Plan
- Revise Emergency Response Plan for Abu Dhabi including country evacuation for all secondees
- Conduct country evacuation desktop exercise for Abu Dhabi

Developed the Abu Dhabi country evacuation plan in May 2020.
Developed the HSE Plan including ERP in December 2020.
Conducted a country evacuation exercise in October 2020.

As the secretariat in C-CMT, conduct crisis management relevant to COVID-19

Worked as the secretariat of C-CMT for COVID-19. Provided support in drafting necessary rules (positive case reporting, disinfection procedures, close contact tracking).

Enhance Environmental Management and Drive Forward Climate Change Risk Management

Mid-term Objective

We will ensure that environmental and social issues are managed based on the legal and other requirements and the IFC Performance Standards. We will select issues that will contribute to lower environmental impacts and develop plans to manage them as we continue the greenhouse gas (hereinafter called "GHG") management.

FY2020 Corporate HSE Objectives

Based on Corporate Environmental Management Plan including GHG emission management, environmental pollution prevention, waste management, biodiversity conservation and water management, we will promote company-wide environmental management, and introduce lagging and leading Environmental KPIs related to Corporate Environmental Targets. We will also assess risks and opportunities related to climate change and develop the action plan.

Items to Accomplish


Evaluation and Way Forward

Conduct GHG emission collection, analysis and reporting
- Amount of energy use, venting/flaring and methane leak, etc.

Conduct other emissions collection, analysis and reporting
- Air emission, effluent and waste, etc.

Conducted GHG and other emissions collection, analysis and reporting without delay.
Development of GHG emissions calculation GLs is ongoing and will finish in 2021-Q1.
ARIES (data collecting system) will be updated in 2021-Q1 for collecting GHG emissions data from nonoperated projects.

Introduce leading indicators
- Obtain the third party certification for GHG emission data
- Implement the planned environmental monitoring
- Lead the on-site inspection to the contracted waste service providers
- Conduct e-learning training for biodiversity conservation to all employees
- Confirm the status of water stress at our operational area

Worked in line with the Corporate EMP to improve environmental performance.
Confirmed the 2020 environmental KPI status including the leading indicators in Environmental Management WG.

Improve environmental performance
- Maintain the environmental risk registers
- Confirm status for the environmental laws and regulation compliance through HSE Audit
- Utilize database of protected habitats
- Analyze water balance, and identify the tasks for company-wide water management

Continue working on the environmental risk registers and will finish in 2021-Q1 based on the currently available information. In addition, continue analyzing water balance and will develop the report in 2021-Q1.

Improve Health Promotion and Maintenance Programs

FY2020 Corporate HSE Objectives

We will improve health promotion in line with INPEX Group Health Statement.

Items to Accomplish


Evaluation and Way Forward

Improve occupational health management
- Identify key health issues across the company through a health survey
- Promote the corporate-wide occupational health management by developing a health risk register within Headquarter Organizations and Operational Organizations

  • Took part in IOGP health survey (in January) and identified weakness of our health management by benchmarking with other IOGP member companies. Developed and issued the report as well.
  • Developed the INPEX standard health risk register (both Japanese and English) and sent to Operational Organizations as necessary.

As the role of health and safety in C-CMT, evaluate medical risk in several countries and develop of measures to cope with tasks relevant to COVID-19

Conducted information gathering and issued HSE alert playing HSE role of C-CMT.
Corporate Health Management Team evaluates medical risks of the destinations when considering (re)assignment of employees and their dependents.

Which of these describes you best?
