Independent Assurance Report
To ensure the reliability of environmental and social performance data included in Sustainability Report 2023, INPEX has obtained independent third-party assurance from SOCOTEC Certification Japan for all data marked with the symbol () in the ESG Performance Data section.
Scope of Assurance: 2023 data covering the period from January to December for the following environmental and social performance data.
Environmental performance
<Scope: Operational contro1 in Japan>
- GHG Scope 1 emissions (by emission source, gas type)
- GHG Scope 2 emissions
- Energy consumption
- Water consumption and discharge of produced water
- Emissions to the atmosphere (VOC, NOx, and SOx)
- Waste – hazardous waste (waste diverted from disposal, waste directed to disposal) , non-hazardous waste (waste diverted from disposal, waste directed to disposal) , and Drilling waste(mugs and cuttings)
- Oil Spill (quantity of spills)
<Scope: Overseas operational control2>
- GHG Scope 1 emissions (emission source, gas type)
- GHG Scope 2 emissions
- Oil Spill (quantity of spills)
<Scope: Equity share based3>
- GHG Scope 1 emissions
- GHG Scope 2 emissions
- GHG Scope 3 Category 11 emissions (use of sold products)
Social performance
<Scope: Operational control1 including Japan and global organizations>
- Lost time injury rate (LTIR) by contract
- Total recordable injury rate (TRIR) by contract
- Process safety Tier 1 accidents(for this case only, results for FY2021 and FY2022 are also included)
1 HSE and GHG emissions management data are reported on an operational control basis and include operational organizations in Japan, INPEX headquarters, and the INPEX Technical Research Center.
2 The production projects where INPEX takes the role of operator as of the end of December 2023, and overseas offices are included.
3 Equity share-based Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions cover the production projects where INPEX takes the role of operator as of the end of December 2023, INPEX headquarters and the INPEX Technical Research Center. Scope 3 Category 11 emissions are calculated by multiplying the total sales volume of crude oil, natural gas, and LPG by each product’s emission factor, under the assumption that the total volume of each is combusted.