Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability Report 2023

HR Evaluation and Allocation

At the core of INPEX’s approach to HR management, is a commitment to fairness in its personnel system. This approach is based on three concepts: a fair job-based grading system, a pay-for-job/performance compensation system, and a transparent evaluation system.

We conduct HR evaluations along two axes: work target evaluations (target management) and work behavior evaluations (competencies). Accordingly, we disclose the evaluation process and criteria to those being evaluated to ensure transparency and fairness, and connect achievement of performance targets for the organization with the growth of individuals. We do this by (1) setting targets linked to high-level targets and work responsibilities, (2) providing real-time feedback and progress confirmation, and (3) ensuring well-balanced evaluations and treatment. To fully implement this evaluation system for non-managerial employees from FY2024, we are providing briefings on HR evaluations for both those being evaluated and those conducting the evaluations. We are also striving to set appropriate targets in line with work responsibilities, and improve understanding and awareness of the evaluation system.

To support the continued development of our personnel, we are working to prevent rigidity in personnel assignment, the dependency on individuals, and reduction in opportunity for promotion. We do this by regularly reviewing the position, succession plan, and talent of executives in each division. A tenure system has also been introduced for line management positions. Each year, employees are encouraged to declare their job and division preferences, to help management better understand their career outlook. We also provide regular one-on-one meetings between employees and their supervisors, where dialogue can lead to medium- to long-term career development. In addition, we provide opportunities for employees to pursue their own career paths through an internal job posting system. This leads to more appropriate personnel allocation and assignment while motivating employees. Concurrently, we run a return-to-work program to welcome back motivated employees who had resigned from the Company due to unavoidable personal reasons.