Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability Report 2023

Group-wide Environmental Management

In addition to complying with environmental laws and regulations of the countries in which we operate, we identify and assess environmental risks and impacts expected with our business activities, taking measures to prevent environmental pollution. In FY2023, there were no serious violations of environmental laws and regulations within our business operations. Going forward, we will continue working with relevant departments in Japan and overseas to ensure compliance with environmental laws and regulations, environmental risk management, and measures to prevent environmental pollution.

Identification and Assessment of Environmental Risks (ENVID Implementation)

We conduct Environmental Risks Identification (ENVID) in the early stages of new operator projects to identify potential environmental risks and develop risk mitigation measures.

ENVID is typically held in the form of a workshop, attended by experts from various fields, including those in charge of the planned project or task, engineers, and environmental specialists. In addition, we use our Risk Assessment Matrix (RAM) when assessing risks at ENVID, which leads to a Group-wide, consistent risk assessment.

HSE Audit (Environment)

The Nagaoka Field Office, our largest office in Japan, obtained ISO 14001 and has maintained this international certification for environmental management. In addition, our environmental management system (HSEMS) and ISO 14001 work in conjunction to identify and control environmental hazards and risks, and to monitor the environmental performance of the entire organization. These systems are audited by third-party organizations.

In addition, HSE audits based on our HSE management system are conducted by in-house Lead Auditors who have completed training equivalent to that of an internationally certified IRCA. In 2023, two HSE audits were conducted for operational organizations.