Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability Report 2023

HSE Objectives and Plans

The Corporate HSE 4th Phase Mid-Term Strategy (FY 2023 - 2025): Initiatives for Better HSE Management

1. Strengthen incident prevention efforts

Goals of the Mid-term Plan

  • Maintain rate of zero major incidents. Strengthen HSE risk management for preventing incidents to reduce LTIR and TRIR to IOGP average levels.
  • Develop HSE management documents and tools to efficiently support operational projects. Consider development of IT systems for efficient HSE data management.
  • Consider adoption of new technologies for reducing occupational safety risks.

FY2023 Objectives


Evaluation and future actions

Quickly share incident information and lessons, and analyze trends such as root causes. Also, conduct thorough safety education and dialogues with employees and contractors.


  • INPEX Group-wide LTIR was higher than last year and TRIR was lower (2022: LTIR 0.27, TRIR 2.53/2023: LTIR 0.51, TRIR 2.17). Also failed to achieve IOGP average levels, which is a goal of the Mid-term Plan (Ref. 2022: LTIR 0.28, TRIR 0.98).
  • One Tier 1 process safety incident occurred at the Ichthys LNG Project.
  • Conducted a Group-wide “safety month” campaign from September to October 2023 due to the reduced safety performance.

2. Further improve process safety management through systemic programs

Goals of the Mid-term Plan

  • Strengthen asset integrity and process safety management (AIPSM) according to the focus area program and goals of the process safety management roadmap.

FY2023 Objectives


Evaluation and future actions

Steadily conduct initiatives for asset integrity and process safety management based on the roadmap.


  • Started work to identify necessary process safety-related competencies and establish management methods for all employees. Identified target positions and necessary competencies. Planning to complete this work in 2024 and start rolling it out to operational organizations.
  • Published change control requirements.
  • Started work to confirm process safety risks at the Ichthys LNG Project. Planning to complete this work in 2024 and connect process safety risk management activities at the Ichthys LNG Project with corporate HSE risk management activities.
  • Acquired practical knowledge of hydrogen and ammonia safety design and evaluation through design operations across multiple projects.

3. Help to address global environmental challenges and create environmental value

Goals of the Mid-term Plan

  • Revise environmental management mechanisms in the current HSE Management System. Respond to global environmental challenges and strengthen social management.
  • Promote initiatives to reduce GHG emissions.
  • Implement biodiversity conservation and water management based on mitigation hierarchy and promote creating positive impact.

FY2023 Objectives


Evaluation and future actions

Build foundations for Group-wide environmental and social impact management. Promote Group-wide studies to reduce GHG emissions and help to address global environmental challenges.


  • Developed a structure for reducing GHG emissions through a collaboration with the Climate Change Strategy Group and Technical Planning & Coordination Unit. Officially joined OGMP 2.0.
  • Conducted trial evaluations of domestic biodiversity in compliance with requirements of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) and identified challenges associated with the evaluation work.
  • Conducted a careful examination of water balance and waste disposal flow.

4. Prepare for emerging threats

Goals of the Mid-term Plan

  • Strengthen geopolitical risk preparedness (thorough security risk assessments) and reexamine security risks at each site.
  • Strengthen cyber security risk preparedness.
  • Strengthen preparedness for increasingly intense natural disasters.

FY2023 Objectives


Evaluation and future actions

Enhance preparations for emerging threats by checking and revising plans for cyber security, natural disasters, and geopolitical risks.


  • Continuing to conduct emergency response exercises for natural disasters and geopolitical risks at each organization.
  • Corporate established emergency response plans, anticipating geopolitical risks, for several overseas sites and conducted regular exercises.
  • Corporate worked with Information Management & Technology Unit to establish an emergency response plan, anticipating cyber attacks at operational sites.
  • Reorganized the Corporate Crisis Management Team and collaborated with the General Administration Division to update the Metropolitan Tokyo Earthquake Response Plan.

5. Reinforce health management and measures for infectious diseases

Goals of the Mid-term Plan

  • Implement requirements of the Corporate Health Management Standard and enhance Group-wide occupational health management.
  • Promote the INPEX Group Health Statement initiative, with a particular focus on enhancing mental health care.
  • Establish a preparedness and response capability for infectious disease outbreaks.

FY2023 Objectives


Evaluation and future actions

Work to improve health management and performance, including the areas of mental health, infectious diseases, and fatigue control, in line with the Corporate Health Management Standard.


  • C-CMT served as the secretariat (for COVID-19), monitored the latest COVID-19-related trends, and gathered and reported information on measures, in a timely manner.
  • Currently conducting a Mental Health and Wellbeing Program at the Ichthys LNG Project.
  • Enhancing measures against heatstroke at domestic organizations.

6. Demonstrate HSE leadership and improve effectiveness of the HSEMS

Goals of the Mid-term Plan

  • Increase top management engagement in HSE and improve Group-wide HSE awareness.
  • Improve the quality of HSE Management System documents.
  • Improve the quality of HSE audits.

FY2023 Objectives


Evaluation and future actions

Use results of the HSEMS gap analysis and corporate HSE audits to improve the effectiveness of the HSEMS. Also improve audit quality and capability.


  • Conducted 11 management site visits to sites of domestic and overseas organizations.
  • Expanding the scope of informal meetings and inspections during site visits to domestic organizations.
  • Conducted corporate audits of DOM and DSM, and confirmed that there were no major issues related to management systems.

7. Enhance HSE competency and secure personnel

Goals of the Mid-term Plan

  • Establish mechanisms for identifying and managing the required HSE competencies for each job category.
  • Establish mechanisms for promoting personnel exchanges to develop HSE personnel and improve the HSE competency of employees in INPEX at a global level.

FY2023 Objectives


Evaluation and future actions

Create a plan for mechanisms to develop HSE personnel and improve the HSE competency of employees.


  • Corporate sent process safety engineers and environmental specialists to domestic and overseas organizations.
  • HSE advisors sent on short-term assignment to corporate from the Ichthys LNG Project.
  • Created a draft document for the HSE competency management framework.

8. Implement HSE management for the five net zero businesses

Goals of the Mid-term Plan

  • Support the five net zero businesses by implementing fit-for-purpose HSE management processes.
  • Promote HSE technical support not only for E&P businesses, but also for the five net zero businesses.

FY2023 Objectives


Evaluation and future actions

Actively participate in and support HSE management for projects of the five net zero businesses.


  • This fiscal year, started implementing HSE management processes at the Hirai Blue Hydrogen and Okuhida geothermal well drilling projects in Japan, and in the Wheatbelt region for the Ichthys LNG Project.