Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability Report 2023

Promotion of Diversity

Our Policy on DE&I

INPEX respects international norms on human rights in accordance with the INPEX Group Code of Conduct. We do not discriminate based on factors such as race, skin color, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, creed, religion, birth, nationality, disabilities, or educational background. We mutually respect and utilize the individuality and diversity of every employee, and strive to ensure employees have fair and equitable access to opportunities for self-fulfillment and career development. We do not tolerate harassment or behavior that could be misconstrued as harassment.

We want all personnel to fully understand the importance of DE&I. We aim to create an organization in which people can freely and openly express their opinions without being bound by preconceived notions, continue to try new things, and innovate. Therefore, we aim to build a workforce that creates business value based on acceptance of diversity, willingness to grow, and autonomous behavior.

We consider promotion of DE&I to be an essential element of INPEX becoming the employer of choice. Through this approach, we will create an active and diverse workforce to help us achieve sustainable growth even in a rapidly changing business environment. We aim to become a company that is valued for its contributions in creating a more prosperous society.

Promotion of Women’s Empowerment

In line with our policy on DE&I, we are intent on creating an environment that enables women to showcase their full potential. We recognize there is uneven representation of females across job categories and their underrepresentation in managerial roles. To address these issues, we are actively recruiting mid-career women with management capabilities. Similarly, our graduate recruitment efforts focus on boosting female representation by participating in targeted events for female students. In this and other ways, we are working to achieve recruitment of at least 30% females in each year’s new employee cohort. Our previous target was for women to fill 4% of management positions (as defined by our grading system)1 by December 31, 2023. We were pleased to achieve this target, with women filling 4.3% of management positions by the end of 2023. Going forward, we aim to increase our target to 6% during FY2025 through more intensive mid-career recruitment of women across management roles. When promoting or appointing personnel, we also evaluate employees who are temporarily restricted from performing their work duties due to life events in an appropriate manner to avoid impeding on their career advancement. In FY2021 and FY2022, we held unconscious bias seminars for all personnel. In FY2023, we also held internal seminars on the subjects of gender bias and women’s empowerment, with a total of 387 males and females attending. In efforts to develop greater female leadership, we selected six females from within the Company to attend an external training program. Through these initiatives, we are promoting greater diversity in the workplace and building a foundation for more active participation of female employees.

1 Non-consolidated employees including seconded employees but excluding the employees who are temporary transfer to INPEX


Within the Group, the term “diversity” refers to all differences related to people or businesses, including sexual orientation and gender identity.

To promote understanding towards LGBTQ+ within our workforce, we have conducted a regular internal training program since FY2017, and in FY2018, held lectures for officers concerning LGBTQ+ matters. In FY2019, at the request of employees, we launched an INPEX LGBT Ally2 program. Efforts have also been under way to upgrade internal systems. In FY2020, employees were given the right to refuse requests to undertake business travel on the grounds that they are LGBTQ+, and in FY2021, “family” was redefined to include same-sex partners and their children under the Company’s benefit program. Employees are also encouraged to start using names (including pronouns and titles) that reflect their gender identity. In addition to an internal LGBTQ+ consultation desk, we set up a second consultation desk managed by outside experts in FY2022. Our continuing positive action in these areas have earned us recognition in Japan. Every year since FY2019, we have received Gold or Silver awards in the PRIDE Index, Japan’s first index evaluating initiatives in the workplace related to LGBTQ+ and sexual minorities.

2 Ally: A supporter and person who understands related issues

Employment of Foreign Nationals

We actively employ foreign nationals as we believe that diversity brings vitality to the workplace. To achieve inclusion—which means to build workplace environments and interpersonal relationships that contribute to business through mutual respect and recognition—we provide relocation support services for foreign nationals, in particular those who normally use English in their daily work, to minimize the challenges they may experience living and working in Japan. In addition, we prepare intranet postings and documents in both Japanese and English, and offer weekly Japanese-language lessons with an external teacher, with the aim of creating work environments where employees can be active and comfortable.

Efforts to Engage Older Workers

In FY2019, we introduced career training for employees aged 30, 40, and 50 years to understand the importance of career development, learn to design their own pathway for future success and growth, self-reflection, and assessing career experiences. Since FY2022, we have also offered career consultation by qualified personnel to employees aged 55 years to support the autonomous career development of our senior employees.

In April 2023, we revised our personnel system for older workers (under reemployment contracts) and changed the remuneration structure for people over 60 years of age to one based on their work roles.

In FY2019, we set up INPEX Solutions, LTD. as a fully owned subsidiary functioning as a think tank for the Group. This subsidiary conducts surveys and research, as well as providing support in consulting and HR development. Many retired Group employees transfer to the Company where they can make use of their expertise. This includes sharing their knowledge accumulated throughout their career or by exploring new business opportunities for the Group.

Promotion of Employment of People with Disabilities

We have been proactive in the employment people with disabilities, taking into consideration the nature of the work and the workplace environment. As of the end of FY2023 (December 31, 2023), we have employed 45 people with disabilities, representing 2.9% of the workforce in Japan. Since FY2020, it has become common to work from home, a more amenable and conducive workplace environment for people with physical disabilities. This has enabled us to maintain an employment rate of people with disabilities that exceeds the legally required rate in Japan. The wearing of masks during the COVID-19 pandemic has posed challenges for employees with hearing disabilities, who rely on lip reading to communicate. We have been providing these employees with support according to the situation, including chat-enabled virtual meetings and closed captioning for videoconferences. Going forward, we will continue implementing measures to remove barriers for employees with disabilities.