Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability Report 2023

Engagement with Stakeholders

Engagement approach
Key engagement in FY2023
Expectations/Requirements Identified Through Stakeholder Engagement
Project Partners
Engagement approach
  • Regular meetings
  • Regular communication
Key engagement in FY2023
  • Participation in operating committees, technical committees, and subcommittees for project decision making
  • Discussions with operators for cost reduction
  • Prevention of major incidents
Expectations/Requirements Identified Through Stakeholder Engagement
  • Compliance with laws and prevention of bribery and corruption
  • Management of business activity risks
  • Respect for human rights
Contractors and Suppliers
Engagement approach
  • Presentation of qualification criteria to prospective suppliers
  • Briefings on qualifications
  • Regular meetings
  • HSE audits
  • CSR audits
  • Supplier Forum
Key engagement in FY2023
  • Provision of fair, equitable, and transparent participation opportunities for prospective suppliers
  • Annual INPEX HSE Awards
  • Strengthening of supply chain management (implementation of supplier self-evaluation survey for major suppliers and contractors in Japan)
  • Implementation of CSR audit to suppliers
  • Ongoing risk assessment of major suppliers and contractors (including with regard to human rights and ABC measures), and improve the methods used for risk assessment
  • Establishment of the Supplier Code of Conduct Guidelines and holding of the Supplier Forum for explanation
Expectations/Requirements Identified Through Stakeholder Engagement
  • Improvement of our risk management structure
  • Compliance with laws and prevention of bribery and corruption
  • Supply chain environmental and social due-diligence
  • Prevention of major incidents
  • Ensuring occupational health and safety
  • Respect for human rights
Engagement approach
  • Establishment of designated contact points
  • Provision of product information
  • Identification of customer needs at service stations
Key engagement in FY2023
  • Provision of product safe handling information (SDS)
  • Improvement of service station operations based on customer needs analysis
Expectations/Requirements Identified Through Stakeholder Engagement
  • Compliance with laws and prevention of bribery and corruption
  • Transition to clean energy
Shareholders and Investors
Engagement approach
  • General Meeting of Shareholders, briefings and exhibitions, investor relations (IR) meetings
  • Issuance of reports (earnings report, earnings presentation materials, securities report, Integrated Report, sustainability report, fact book, investor notes, etc.)
Key engagement in FY2023
  • General Meeting of Shareholders, financial result briefings (biannual, February and August), IR meetings (268 meetings held), briefings for individual investors, Investor Day
  • Timely, appropriate, and fair information disclosure through the corporate website and content updates
Expectations/Requirements Identified Through Stakeholder Engagement
  • Strengthening our governance structure
  • Enhancing our risk management system
  • Strengthening climate-related risk management
Local Communities and Indigenous Peoples
Engagement approach
  • Environmental and social impact assessment
  • Community briefings
  • Various pamphlets, mass media, social media, websites
  • Social contribution activities
Key engagement in FY2023
  • Social investment in response to local community needs (total expenditure: about 4.4 billion yen)
  • Response to community feedback in Japan and overseas
  • Activities in accordance with the Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in Australia
  • Presentations and lessons for junior high school and technical college students in Japan
Expectations/Requirements Identified Through Stakeholder Engagement
  • Respect for human rights
  • Proper management of water and biodiversity conservation
  • Managing impacts on local and indigenous communities
  • Contributing to local economies
Engagement approach
  • Information gathering to respond to global social issues
  • Round-table discussions
Key engagement in FY2023
  • Support for NGOs/NPOs through employee fundraising activities
  • Support for NGOs/NPOs through our social contribution activities
  • Participation in webinars hosted by NGOs/NPOs
Expectations/Requirements Identified Through Stakeholder Engagement
  • Respect for human rights
  • Contributing to local economies
  • Transition to clean energy
  • Strengthening climate-related risk management
  • Co-operations with NGO/NPO
Engagement approach
  • Meetings with managers
  • Consultation between labor and management
  • Various training and study abroad programs
  • Internal magazines and newsletters
  • Various recognitions/awards
Key engagement in FY2023
  • Communication from senior management via Message from the President & CEO
  • Dialogue with management via Open Offices (President & CEO, Senior Executive Vice Presidents, Senior Vice Presidents)
  • One-on-one meetings with supervisors
  • Regular engagement with labor unions
  • Various training programs (averaging 65 hours training/person)
  • Timely update of internal online magazines (2 or 3 times/week)
  • Publication of compliance newsletter (12 issues)
  • Publication of information security newsletter (12 issues)
  • INPEX HSE Awards, INPEX Paper Award
  • SVP/General Manager Awards
Expectations/Requirements Identified Through Stakeholder Engagement
  • Management occupational health and safety
  • Human resource development and employee motivation
  • Promoting diversity
  • Respect for human rights
Oil and Gas Producing Countries
Engagement approach
  • Communication at each project phase (tender, development plan approval process, development, production, decommissioning)
Key engagement in FY2023
  • Close communication with oil and gas producing countries aligned with project progress / management
  • Prevention of corruption and improving transparency in oil and gas producing countries through support for EITI
Expectations/Requirements Identified Through Stakeholder Engagement
  • Compliance with laws and prevention of bribery and corruption
  • Prevention of major incidents
  • Contributing to local economies
  • Cleaner oil/gas operations and transition to natural gas