Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability Report 2023

Other Initiatives

Senior Vice President’s Awards and General Manager’s Awards:

These awards aim to energize the organization by recognizing the day-to-day achievements of employees.

Cafeteria Plan (free-choice employee benefit program)

The Cafeteria Plan grants points to employees each year. Employees are able to use their points to choose benefits that most suit them. Benefit options include childcare and nursing care support, disease prevention, access to fitness gym or sporting facilities, leisure activities, and entertainment options.

Internal company event support (team building and recreation activities)

Financial support is provided to cultivate a sense of unity and strengthen relationships within the organization, aiming to promote interaction and communication between employees.

Employee shareholders’ association (57% participation)

Employees are supported in their efforts toward medium- to long-term wealth accumulation, including through payment of financial incentives to employees participating in the employee shareholders’ association.

Free-choice defined contribution plans (80% participation)

Employees are supported in their efforts to build wealth for the future. Based on the choice and life plan of the individual, a set allowance is paid as part of their salary or contributed to their pension plan.

Support for employees undergoing medical treatments

Employees are assisted in managing their work commitments alongside medical treatments, serious illness such as cancer or otherwise as specified by the government, through flexible work arrangements tailored to their treatment solutions.