Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability Report 2023

Environmental Targets and Plans

Corporate Environmental Targets

In FY2019, we set five corporate environmental objectives as overarching goals for environmental management across the Group, along with 12 environmental KPIs to measure progress towards these objectives. Every year, we monitor the advancement toward these environmental KPIs, steadily progressing to achieve them through initiatives conducted over the past four years. In addition, while revising our HSE Policy and drafting the commitment documents in FY2022, which outlines efforts to address global environmental challenges and create environmental value, we established new environmental targets and KPIs.

From FY2023, we will implement Group-wide environmental management initiatives under these new environmental targets and KPIs, while making continuous improvements through application of the PDCA cycle.

Please refer to The Corporate HSE 4th Phase Mid-Term Strategy (FY 2023 - 2025)  for the overall objectives of HSE.

Environmental target 1

Low-carbonization in operations


  • Improve the accuracy of greenhouse gas emissions data management and enhance greenhouse gas emissions monitoring.
  • Avoid continuous flaring and venting during normal operations.
  • Minimize methane emissions through proper maintenance of facilities.

Environmental target 2

Group-wide environmental management


  • Identify and comply with environmental laws and regulations applicable to the business.
  • Identify and assess the environmental risks and impacts of the business.
  • Develop measures to reduce environmental risks and impacts and monitor their implementation.

Environmental target 3

Proper waste disposal and creation of a circular economy


  • Conduct periodic onsite inspections of waste disposal contractors to confirm proper disposal of waste.
  • Ensure proper waste management during normal operations and implement the 3Rs — reduce, reuse, and recycle.
  • Introduce initiatives for the creation of a circular economy.

Environmental target 4

Biodiversity conservation


  • Identify risks and opportunities related to biodiversity in INPEX.
  • Avoid or reduce impacts on biodiversity associated with project implementation and plan and implement initiatives to create positive impacts based on the mitigation hierarchy1.
  • Develop and implement Biodiversity Action Plans (BAP) including net positive impact in the case of projects implemented in critical habitats.

Environmental target 5

Water resource management


  • Identify risks and opportunities related to water resources in INPEX.
  • Identify and visualize water use in the business.​
  • Implement appropriate water management (water intake, usage, and drainage) for the business.


Order of priority to avoid, reduce or minimize development impacts and then take compensatory measures for remaining impacts.

Please refer to the chapter on Climate Change for information on Low-carbonization in operations.

Environmental Management Document Architecture and Hierarchy

Within our Group-wide environmental management document architecture and hierarchy, corporate environmental targets have been set based on the direction of our environmental management as indicated in our HSE Policy and commitments, which serve as the primary HSEMS documents. In this, we have established the Corporate HSE Mid-term Plan (strategy) and Corporate Environmental Management Plan (three-year roadmap) to achieve the corporate environment targets. Based on these three-year plans, we execute consistent Group-wide environmental management by incorporating specific initiatives into annual HSE Programs across corporate and operational organizations.