Contributing to Local Economies

Business and employment opportunities are some of the key economic benefits that our business provides within local communities.
INPEX Australia’s Industry Participation Plan (IPP) for Ichthys LNG commits to providing full, fair, and reasonable opportunities to Australian suppliers. These commitments are cascaded to contractors through our contracts and procurement processes. Regular progress reporting and scheduled meetings with key contractors are incorporated to assess levels of local content achieved against submitted plans and targets.
Our supplier opportunities portal on the INPEX Australia website provides guidance to suppliers seeking opportunities with INPEX Australia1. The Industry Capability Network Northern Territory (ICNNT) is engaged to help identify local capability, and we encourage local suppliers seeking opportunities to establish and maintain a company profile with the ICNNT. INPEX also sponsors and participates in the Energy Club Northern Territory’s annual ‘Meet the Buyer’ event, which provides suppliers the opportunity to connect with potential buyers, including INPEX, and promote their capabilities. In FY2023, an overall Australian content level of 85% was achieved for Ichthys LNG operations.
Training and apprentice programs continue to be run by INPEX and key contractors to provide opportunities for locals—including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples—to commence careers in the industry and contribute to building local workforce capability.