Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability Report 2023

Stakeholder Engagement


INPEX engages in dialogue with local stakeholders in Japan through the community engagement teams it has established at its production assets in Niigata, Minamiaga, Nagaoka, Kashiwazaki, Naoetsu, Akita, and Chiba, Japan.

Every year, we actively participate in community events, including providing sponsorship and volunteer support for a marathon in Kashiwazaki. Additionally, we sponsor firework displays at summer festivals in Niigata, Nagaoka, Kashiwazaki, Naoetsu, and Akita. Collaborating with residents of Nagaoka, we contribute to environmental conservation through a semiannual reforestation project. Naoetsu LNG Terminal—the core facility of our gas supply chain and the receiving terminal for LNG shipped from the Ichthys LNG Project in Australia—publishes a bimonthly newsletter for local residents, municipal offices, and government agencies to inform them on the terminal’s operations, safety efforts, and other matters. Our employees also engage with local residents through involvement in community activities such as softball tournaments.


Our Australian-based community engagement teams are committed to informing our key stakeholders and the wider community about Ichthys LNG operations and our other business activities in the region. This includes sharing updates on local employment, business, and community investment opportunities. Engagement is conducted in local communities and regions in which INPEX operates or otherwise conducts its business activities. Tailoring our engagement approach to suit the purpose and taking into account stakeholder preferences, we use a range of engagement methods including face-to-face and virtual meetings, industry and community forums and events, emails and online information, mainstream and social media, advertising, and communications collateral.

In FY2023, more than 300 engagements were held with government, industry, business, and community stakeholders. A toll-free phone number and an enquiry e-mail address are published on our website and in other forums for community members to provide feedback on our activities. In FY2023, 380 inquiries were received, 48% of which related to employment opportunities.

Community Engagement in the Northern Territory 2023

Kimberley Community Update 2023


We strive to maintain productive communication with relevant stakeholders for the Abadi LNG Project in Indonesia. This includes not only the local communities, residents, and others directly impacted by our project operations, but also NGOs and the central, provincial, and local governments. As part of this commitment, we base employees who were raised in the areas surrounding the operational sites, in those locations. This enables them to directly support our efforts to maintain active dialogue with those communities.

Regarding the environmental and social impact assessment currently underway, we developed a Stakeholder Engagement and Public Consultation Plan (SECP) ahead of the public consultations for local residents that are held as part of the Indonesian Environmental and Social Impact Assessment process (AMDAL). The SECP goes beyond the requirements of AMDAL to incorporate stakeholder engagement requirements stipulated in the Performance Standards of the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which are globally recognized guidelines for environmental and social risk management. We are implementing initiatives in accordance with the SECP.

Our stakeholder engagement at each process of the environmental and social impact assessment are summarized as follows.



Stakeholder-related Initiatives


Identifying stakeholders

  • Identified a wide array of stakeholders in the project and creating a stakeholder map.


Developing a Stakeholder Engagement and Public Consultation Plan (SECP)

  • Identified requirements for AMDAL and stakeholder engagement as stipulated in the IFC PS.
  • Developed a SECP to comprehensively manage the above requirements.

Implementing AMDAL Public Consultation

  • Held AMDAL public consultations in each project location area and hearing the local community’s concerns.

Developing KA-ANDAL

  • Developed Terms of Reference (KA-ANDAL) for an environmental and social impact assessment that take into consideration the community concerns identified in the aforementioned public consultations.

Baseline Survey

  • Conducted surveys through face-to-face dialogues—including through focus group discussions, household surveys and key informant interviews—to understand the current situation of the affected communities.


Impact Assessment

  • Assessed the potential impacts on affected communities during construction and operations phases. The impact assessment was relevant to community concerns.


Developing environmental management
monitoring plan

  • Currently developing environmental management and monitoring plans based on the results of the
    aforementioned impact assessments.


Expanding assessment applicability

  • As a result of dialogue with Indonesia’s southwest Maluku province and its residents, adjacent to our project site, added the region to the list of regions subject to environmental and social impact assessment.

Abu Dhabi

We actively communicate with the local communities near the site of our Abu Dhabi Onshore Block 4 project, with our employees engaging in ongoing respectful and timely dialogue using the local language.

Local communities are living on and farming the land surrounding the area in which we are drilling for this project. With our environmental and social impact assessments, we seek to identify the stakeholders impacted by our projects, and to understand their regional distribution. We assess the impact of the project on stakeholders and use the results to plan and implement impact reduction measures and environmental monitoring. Through these assessments, we are monitoring environmental air quality and noise levels in the vicinity of the project site.

Prior to drilling or conducting other on-site work, we collaborate with the local government to distribute project brochures and send SMS messages to people in the local community. This ensures that they are informed about the nature of the work, duration and potential impacts, and contact details for inquiries. Upon receiving questions or feedback from the local community, we promptly respond in person or by telephone and other channels, ensuring a high level of transparency in our communications.