Sustainability Report 2023

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Sustainability Report 2023

BCP Initiatives

Large-scale Natural Disaster Countermeasures

INPEX assesses the risk of natural disasters that may occur at each of its business sites. We implement appropriate prevention and mitigation measures for each natural disaster, such as earthquakes, heavy rainfall, and flooding. In addition, we have prepared emergency response plans and a BCP to protect lives in the event of unexpected events and quickly restore business operations.

We have developed a BCP and an initial response manual tailored for our head office area. These protocols are designed for the potential scenario of an earthquake centered directly under the Tokyo metropolitan area, based on the damage assumptions made by the Cabinet Office of Japan’s Central Disaster Management Council. Our policy on business continuity clearly expresses Group-wide values, prioritizing the maintenance of stable energy supply while ensuring human safety and environmental preservation. The BCP and other manuals stipulate not only for setting up temporary offices, but also for guiding employee responses in the event of an earthquake occurring during a holiday or at night, as well as procedures for returning home from the office. We conduct an annual crisis response drill for this earthquake scenario. Lessons learned from drills are utilized to continuously strengthen our disaster preparedness, including by improving our manuals and reviewing our materials, equipment, and reserves.

Response to the 2024 Noto Peninsula Earthquake

The Noto Peninsula Earthquake of January 1, 2024, caused shaking in Joetsu City which measured 5 upper on the Japanese seismic intensity scale. Although the Naoetsu LNG Terminal stopped operating due to this earthquake, domestic natural gas, natural gas in pipelines, and natural gas loaned to us by other companies enabled us to maintain a stable supply of natural gas for our customers. Once the tsunami warnings and advisories were lifted, we rapidly confirmed safety conditions and resumed supplying gas from the terminal in less than a day. The earthquake was an unusually large one for an inland crustal earthquake in Japan, but all employees worked with safety as their highest priority. We were able to resume supplying gas extremely quickly, with no injuries, living up to our mission of stable energy supply.

Furthermore, to assist the people affected by the disaster and to provide support in disaster-stricken areas, we donated 30 million yen and 5,000 liters of oil through The Nippon Foundation. Our employee dormitories in Kashiwazaki City and Joetsu City welcomed members of the local community who evacuated due to the tsunami warnings, and in Joetsu City, we also provided evacuees with emergency food supplies.

Responses to Infectious Diseases and Epidemic Risk Management

We have long had in place an infection prevention manual for implementation against pandemics of any infectious disease. We have also developed a BCP for handling related crises during the pandemic. This commitment to pandemic preparedness is an essential aspect of fulfilling our responsibility as an infrastructure company, ensuring the continuous supply of oil and gas even during crisis situations.

In response to the global COVID-19 pandemic that started in 2020, we established a Corporate Crisis Management Team headed by the Representative Director, President & CEO. This team ensured countermeasure policies were implemented thoroughly and pandemic-related information was shared throughout the Group. Local crisis response teams were also established at each of our domestic and overseas offices and sites. These teams were headed by the manager in charge at each location and systems were established according to respective circumstances. By applying our aforementioned BCP, we effectively handled major situational changes—such as a government declaration of a state of emergency—while maintaining stable oil and gas supply.